Subscribe to the Monthly MDG Board Games Mystery Box Today!
Subscribe to our MDG Board Game Mystery Box for just £80/month! Each month you’ll get a box of games worth at least RRP £100. All games will have only been released to retail in the UK in the previous 1-6 weeks. This is a great way to discover wonderful gems you may not have tried had you not subscribed to the wonderful MDG Board Games Mystery Box.
The MDG Board Games Mystery Box may include games from different genres, but all of them will be suitable for playing with 2 or more players.
To subscribe simply ask instore or subscribe via our website to start your subscription. Please add your full name and email address when contacting us.
At the end/beginning of each month, the boxes will be prepared for collection or shipping. Upon subscription, your payment method will be charged each month ready for the mystery package to be shipped/collected. After that, all you have to do is relax and enjoy some awesome games!